Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Sulaiman Ismail - Interactivity #1

I think that the cellular phone is one of the greatest technological advances in the world, because it has been combined with some other technologies that revolutionized the way we communicate.  Such as the World Wide Web, the Personal Labtop Computer or Portable Computer, and the invention of Electronic Mail.

Email allows us to transfer important information and documents almost instantly.  This has revolutionized the way do business around the world.  I can send MP3's of music though email.  This has been beneficial for my business because I can collaborate on music with artist from around the world without having to see them face to face.  The invention of email wouldn't be possible without the internet.  The internet has made world wide communication possible.  We can learn anything on the internet and communicate with anyone around the world.  I have a Youtube video that was viewed by someone in Brazil which shows that world communication is limitless.  The internet wouldn't be possible without the computer.  Computer originally started out the size of an office but now we have portable or personal computers that can do a lot more than the original computer.  And they have revolutionized the way the common person operates.  No one goes to the library anymore to find information.  It's all on the computer.

I cellular phone of today is the combination of these three forms of communication and more.  With today's cell phone you can call anyone in the world, Surf the web, Download the same information that you would on a computer, email anyone in the world, Type homework assignments, and post blogs such as this while walking to the grocery store.  The cell phone is the new portable computer.  Sooner or later, classroom lectures will be given online from everyone's phone.  Wow, the world is changing fast.

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